Donating & Wishlist

As a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization The Underdog Connection relies on donations from our supporters, in order to continue our mission.

Where is your donation going, you may ask? Below is a list of some of the items your donations go towards.

$10 - Microchip

$25 - Vaccines, preventing parvo, distemper and other illnesses.

$50 - New collar, tag, and a microchip

$115 - Neuter for a male dog

$150 - Spay for a Female dog

$225 - Transport from Houston, TX to New England, so they can get to their forever family.

Prefer to donate items off our Wishlist instead?

This Wishlist was created by one of our directors, with our dogs in mind. Everything you will find on here, one or all of our dogs love! These are their favorite toys, treats and collars! Click the Wishlist button below to send our pals some stuff! They appreciate your contribution.


Make a donation.

Your donation puts us one step closer to saving more dogs.
